
Time to Change This Community Earth

Props to Jake for creating the blog and thanks for the invitation to contribute. Now that I'm here, I guess an introduction is in order. I live in San Jose CA and have been working for the last 5+ years on soil food web restoration, with the goal of growing healthy landscape and food plants without the use of synthetic fertilizers or toxic garden or agricultural chemicals. The results still amaze me. True soil fertility, not fertilizer is the way of the future.

I am the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bay-Friendly Landscaping and Gardening Coalition. The BF Coalition is working on spreading the Bay-Friendly Landscaping and Gardening methods and philosophy throughout all the counties around San Francisco Bay. I'm also a Master Composter in Santa Clara County.

In the course of my work, it has become apparent the landscaping industry is at the center of the movement to solve the environmental crises of the world. This may sound grandiose, but it's true. Our industry has tremendous impact on soil quality, air quality, water quality and use, energy use, and human health. How many other industries intersect with so many of the critical elements of human existence? We have the ability to change the world for the better. I look forward to the conversation.

1 comment:

Jake said...

I am always excited to work with Brian on all of our Soil Biology testing that he does for us! Thanks for the work you do Brian.

Soil fixing and Bay Friendly will certainly bring our ecosystem services back to levels of abundance.

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